Loving the People in Our Lives

2021.09 Core Values Graphic.png

Rev. Joel St. Clair
Luke 10:25-37

Jesus gives a parable to the religious leaders to teach them about loving their neighbors. Surprising to the audience, Jesus expands the definition of neighbor to anyone they encounter in their lives. This is a challenge to us to love others in the way that Jesus calls us to.

Our Vision and Values:

As a church community we regularly return to the vision for Mosaic Silver Spring as well as the biblical values that we work to embody. This positions us to respond to God’s call that we take up our cross and follow him in the place where he has us. Every healthy organization knows and hold closely their values in a conscious way. These values serve as boundaries and avenues to prioritize energy, time, money, talent, and more. As we emerge from some of the effects of the pandemic this is a fitting time for us to review on our vision and values as a church community.