Staff and Leadership


Joel st. Clair, pastor

Joel is a native of Silver Spring and has spent most of his life in the metro DC area. He returned in 2009 with his family to work as an assistant pastor at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church (Arlington). In Summer 2011, they moved to Silver Spring to begin building Mosaic Community Church. In addition to working as a Pastor he has served as an officer in the Army and as a Registered Nurse in a couple of hospital systems.

He married Stephanie just after college and together they have four kids: Hannah, Andrew, Lucy, and Iris.

You can get Joel talking with his hands a lot if you mention food, running, soccer, or serious policy issues (only when done in good faith).


Jeremy tseng, childrens ministry coordinator

Jeremy grew up in Montgomery County and has spent his entire life in the metro DC area.  He has been attending Mosaic since 2014 and joined the staff in 2017. He is committed to supporting families as they follow the call to love God, love their neighbor, and raise their children in the gospel.  He is excited to pursue cross-cultural ministry in the diverse growing community of lower Montgomery County.

He enjoys being outdoors and playing team sports – especially basketball and ultimate frisbee.