Ministry Partners
There is a lot of work to be done. And no one organization can go it alone. At Mosaic Silver Spring we actively search for partners to work alongside toward the common good of our neighborhoods. Here are a few of our partnerships developed over time where we have some measure of shared commitment and strategy.
port towns church plant
We are partnering to plant a cross-cultural, gospel-centered church in the Port Towns. Racial reconciliation and cross-cultural community have always been passions at the center of our hearts, and doors have been opened for us to pursue this model of ministry. We feel called to start a church that reflects the beautiful diversity of God’s kingdom, and to bring our neighbors in the Port Towns communities together as one church family.
RUF at Maryland
Reformed University Fellowship is a community of students that exist to love and serve God and the University of Maryland. Our goal is to help students come to understand, know, and follow Jesus Christ as they walk through their college years, and to help lay a foundation for a lifetime of following Jesus and serving him in all areas of life. We're here for the campus, both for students from any religious background and students who have no religious background at all. Whatever kind of Terp you are and whatever your story, RUF is for you.