Children’s Church:

Lesson Guide


Story 15: the way to stay free (the 10 commandments)

Scripture: Exodus 19-20

Big Truth: God gives us his good rules so we can live free lives that reflect him.

Memory Verse: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt…You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:2-3)

Discuss the Story

1. What did the people hear and see when God came down the mountain? How did the people respond? What does it tell us about God that both people and mountains tremble before him?

Takeaway: God is holy and awesome.

2. What are some reasons that the Israelites loved God? What are some reasons that we love God? What does it mean that we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength?

Takeaway: We should love God above everything and everyone else.

3. Can you name the Ten Commandments? Whether you can or cannot, why is it important that we know them? How can we work on learning them?

Takeaway: Freedom comes from obeying God’s commands, so we should know them.

4. Can any of us keep all of God’s commandments perfectly? Why should we go to God for help? How do you think God feels when we ask him for help?

Takeaway: We need God’s help to obey his commands, and God happily helps us when we ask.