Children’s Church:

Lesson Guide


Story 12: Joseph’s Mean Brothers and what god meant to do

Scripture: Genesis 37; 50

Big Truth: God works all things according to his perfect plan.

Memory Verse: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Discuss the Story

1. What are some of the hard things that happened to Joseph? How did God use those things for good? What does this show us about God?

Takeaway: God works all things according to his perfect plan.

2. What do you think Joseph was thinking when he was in the pit or in prison? Did Joseph know God’s good plan at the beginning? How does Joseph’s story give us confidence that God is with us at work even during hard times?

Takeaway: God was with Joseph, just like he is always with us- even when we don’t sense his presence or understand what he is up to.

3. What mean things did Joseph’s brothers do to him? What could Joseph have done to his brothers when they came to him for help years later? What can we learn from how Joseph actually responded?

Takeaway: Like Joseph (and Jesus!), we should forgive those who sin against us.

4. How did God save the people of Egypt and surrounding areas from the famine? Like Joseph, Jesus was treated very badly by others. In fact, he was killed. How did God use Jesus’ death for good?

Takeaway: God used Joseph to save some people; God used his Son, Jesus, to save many people.