The Mission Of The Beloved
Rev. Joel St. Clair
Matthew 10:1-15
Jesus Sends out his twelve Apostles to proclaim that the kingdom of God is at hand. In this, we have a picture of faithfulness for us to share about God’s kingdom through word and deed.
About the Series
In the baptism of Jesus, his ministry is inaugurated. But the way in which it is announced matters for at least a few reasons. First, we see the working out of God’s plan (heavens opening up, dove descending, voice from heaven). And second, we hear the pronouncement, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” There are connections here with the regal status of Jesus (e.g. Psalm 2 echo; OT king of Israel as the son of God). Here is a king who came to serve and give his life. And this impacts our status as the beloved.
This truth is also invitational, a wonderful way to show our neighbors what we long for them to enjoy by faith in Christ. We still think of ourselves in estrangement from Christ. This is the source of shame, self-hatred, insecurity, a disoriented inner life. It’s from this place that we try to make our own rules or search out our own path to identity. But that’s not the path Jesus has for us. He invites us in and directs us how to follow in his footsteps – to live as the beloved!