Truly, Truly He Sustains

John 6:35-48
Rev. Joel St. Clair

After feeding the 5,000, The crowd asks Jesus for more food. Jesus uses this moment to teach them of a deeper, spiritual need that they carry. As Jesus declares that he is the Bread of Life, he shows that faith in Him not only offers forgiveness, but the fullness of eternal life.

Advent is rooted in the idea that we live between two arrivals – Jesus’s first advent in the incarnation and the second advent when he will return as King to bring about justice and restoration. The two arrivals (advents) mean that the Christian life plays out in the in-between. We may look back and learn from those who waited for the first advent as instructive for us today in waiting for His second advent.

Through this Advent series we will be working through just who we are waiting for - Jesus is the one. The “I am” statements provide Christians with a view of our Savior as we wait for his return.